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Fury is a Feeling Too

GER 1983, 25 min

1980s Berlin: A personal and cathartic composition of destroyed buildings, post-war architecture and the discordant character of Maurice Weddington’s music.


FURY IS A FEELING TOO is both a documentary on the city of Berlin and a personal essay on alienation and being an alien in that city Cyn­thia Beatt raises questions and provokes reflec­tion on a wide range of issues concerning language and culture, politics and history.


Rent or buy the movie on our Vimeo channel.
Language: German, Subtitles: English

Press reviews

A sort of cranky, witty, intellectually astute rendition of a Frommer’s Guide replete with architectural treats and warnings about the unwieldy temperaments of the natives. – Barbara Kruger, ART FORUM, 1985

Her film is a personal and cathartic confrontation with being a foreigner in Berlin, burdened by the weight of its history, during the 1970s and ‘80s. Filmed in the area around Potsdamer Platz, the torn-up area right next to the Wall where post-war buildings grew out of the bomb craters, the film paints the picture of the loss of an architectural text whose destruction also meant the disappearance of a cultural context. Shrapnel-pitted facades alternate with rooms where social altercations about Germans scarred by their history are staged. The somber elegiac music of Maurice Weddington underscores the discordant character of this unsentimental, accusing film. – Berlinale, 2021

While Beatt's film may be read as a Sebaldian reconstruction, in which architecture is summoned to evoke a deep sociopolitical past and its ghosts — the Benjaminian Angel of History — there is also a keen sense of a much more contemporaneous Berlin of the 1980s, before the Berlin Wall fell, and its citizens could start to look to the future. — Ela Bittencourt,, 2021

Awards and Festivals

- SFB Projektionen
- Berlinale - Forum
- Montréal International Festival du Nouveau Cinema
- Osnabrück Experimental Filmtage - Women and Film award
- VI Edizone Internazionale del Cinema delle Donne, Florence
- Kitchen (New York): Annual Show of New Independents
- Modern Denken Exhibition, Rotterdam
- Sydney Film Festival
- Melbourne Film Festival - 2. Prize for Short Films
- Edinburgh Film Festival
- Referat German Experimental Film, Brussels
- Collective for Living Cinema, New York
- Goethe Institut programme „German Experimental Films 1980-1984“
- Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
- Pacific Film Archives, Berkley
- Art Institute, Chicago
- Kunst mit Eigen-Sinn, Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts, Vienna
- Le Cinema Allemand des Annees 80 - La Cinémathèque Française, Paris
- German Experimental Film in the 80s, Osnabrück
- Best of the Melbourne Film Festival, Retrospective - Melbourne
- Screaming City: West Berlin 1980s, Toronto, Montréal, Ottawa
- Film im West-Berlin der 80er Jahre, Berlin, New York, u.a.
- Concrete Emotions: Personal Spaces and Urban Landscapes, Tate Modern, London 2010
- Berlinale - Forum Expanded 2021


Director and Screenplay
Cynthia Beatt
Heinz Emigholz, Cynthia Beatt, Margaret DeWys, Fritz Mikesch, Astrid Heibach, Ed Cantú, Ellen El Malki, Daniel Lengyel, Rita Lengyel, Gusztáv Hámos, Milena Gregor, Caspar Bódy, Vera Bódy, Bernd Broaderup, Reinhard Heinemann
Elfi Mikesch, Ebba Jahn, Cynthia Beatt
Dörte Völz
Maurice Weddington
Set Design
Cynthia Beatt
Margit Eschenbach, Gerda Grossmann
Dieter Schwarz 
Cynthia Beatt
1st AD  
Astrid Heibach
Commissioning Editor
Jürgen Tomm, Jens-Peter Behrend
Production Manager
Hildegard Westbeld, Marianne Gassner
Cynthia Beatt
Produced by
Heartbeatt Pictures GmbH (Berlin)
Co-produced by
Sender Freies Berlin (SFB) (Berlin)