Berlin Eviction
GER 2024, 92 min
A wave of evictions grips Berlin. The squatting scene dissolves and it’s members feel like they are supposed to leave the city. The film portrays a subculture through different generations. People open up, talking about their fights against oblivion, but they also stress how important it is to dance and cry together.
A cab driver drives through the city, talking about its rapid changes and the real estate boom. He is himself a punk and a famed character in the Autonomous scene. The stops on the journey are the most important places such as Rigaer Straße, Liebigstraße, das Tuntenhaus, Potse, Drugstore, Syndikat, Meuterei and Köpi; all struggling for survival.Young people like the Potse and Drugstore collectives fear for their self-determined lives. Women from Liebigstraße describe how important their house project was as a space for LGBTQIA+ community. The last evictions have not yet been processed and the next ones are already imminent: The Potse autonomous youth centre has to hand in its keys and negotiations for the Köpi Wagenplatz are already underway.We look through the protagonist’s eyes at the world of the squatter scene. Together with them, we go to rallies, concerts, demonstrations, KüFas (kitchen for all) and through their private and professional lives. Again and again, a loud voice rings out from the megaphone and declares war on the city of the rich.
Flyer - Illustration & graphic design by © Plautze
Schulkino — FilmTipp from Vision Kino
Winner of the Max Ophüls Preis: Best Music in a Documentary
In the documentary competition of the achtung berlin Filmfestival
„Sozialarbeit statt Steinewerfen" ("Social work instead of throwing stones") - Podcast with Johannes Blume on Deutschlandfunk Kultur.
„Kunst gegen Kapital“ ("Art against capital") - Film review on Kino-Zeit.de
The film was shown in the theaters: Berlin: b-ware! ladenkino, Berlin: City Kino Wedding, Berlin: Hofkino - Freiluftkino im FMP1, Berlin: Klick Kino, Berlin: Lichtblick-Kino, Berlin: Sputnik Kino, Berlin: Jugenraum Keimzelle, Berlin: Teepeeland, Berlin: Babylonia, Glauchau: Clubkino Glauchau, Hamburg: 3001 Kino, Erfurt: Schambrowski, Freiburg: aka Filmclub, Lärz: Fusion Festival - Kino, Leipzig: UT Connewitz, München: FLORIDA Lothringer 13, München: Werkstattkino, Nürnberg: Filmhaus Nürnberg, Regensburg: Ostentor Kino, Saarbrücken: Kino achteinhalb
Rent or buy the movie on our Vimeo channel. For other providers, see “Watch Movie”.
Language: German, Subtitles: German, English
Awards and Festivals
- Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis - Competition Documentary Film, 2024: Best music in a documentary film
- Munich at FLORIDA Lothringer 13, in cooperation with Bündnis Freiräumen
- achtung berlin Filmfestival, Competition Documentary Film, 2024
- Theatrical release: 04/25, 2024
- Wilkommen Zuhause Filmfestival Bernau, 2024
- Goethe-Institut Portugal 10/3, 2024
- Goethe-Institut Athen, 11/27, 2024
Additional Texts
Director’s Note
As a Berliner, I have always felt, and also known, that the image depicted by both the yellow press and the quality press about the squatter scene and the associated projects is more than excessive. It is not contemporary to view these people as the legacy of the RAF or other extremists. However, by perpetuating this image, society seems to adapt and try to avoid and abandon these places, people, and the entire scene altogether.
Though it is fascinating to talk to people who not only despise the idea of personal wealth but also live and fight against the unchallenged ruler: Capitalism. Open minded and sometimes naive, I dove deep into the scene. I met people whom I learned to respect. After collecting and organizing my thoughts and impressions, I desired to create a film that would showcase the positive ideas and aspects of this almost forgotten subculture. The number of punks on the streets has dwindled amidst the countless cafes, chain companies, and skyrocketing rents that do not seem to have a limit.
The concept of solidarity, in particular, fascinates me. People who do not have much and do not want to have much support people who are in need. They provide food, culture and safer places for the LGBTQIA+ community — without having the motive of money or hipness.
This has driven me to present something on the screen that the press and television have been reluctant to show for the last 40 or 50 years: a positive and interested perspective of the left and autonomous scene in Berlin. My mantra for this production was a quote by Robert Bresson that I stumbled upon during my studies: “Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen.”
Screenplay, Director, Editor
Johannes Blume
among others, residents of the house projects from Rigaer Straße, Liebigstraße, Tuntenhaus, Köpi and collective members from Potse, Drugstore, Syndikat and Meuterei
Johannes Thieme
Markus Hossack
Editing Advisement
Frank Brummandt
Sound Design
Markus Hossack, Jochen Jezussek
André Froelian
Title Design
Kathrin Krottenthaler
Commissioning Editor
Varinka Link (ZDF)
Production Management
Catharina Treber (ZDF)
Production Assistance
Anna Bitter
Frieder Schlaich
Filmgalerie 451
In co-production with
ZDF - Das kleine Fernsehspiel
German Theatrical Release
German Premiere
Max Ophüls Preis, 01/23/2024
Distribution Details
Schulkino (school cinema)
Vision Kino
Screening Format
DCP (4K-Flat, Color, 25fps, 5.1)
Aspect Ratio
Promotion Material
A1 Poster
License Area
From 12 years