La última Película
CDN/DK/MEX/PHI 2013, 88 min
Eine experimentelle emotionale Komödie, die das Ende des Kinos mit dem Ende der Welt in Verbindung setzt.
Mit ihrer urkomischen und poetischen Vielschichtigkeit gelingt Mark Peransons und Raya Martins Meta-Sprung ins Unbekannte, selbst dann, wenn er zum Scheitern verurteilt ist, indem er großzügig an vergangene Geschichten erinnert und gleichzeitig auf eine bevorstehende filmische, kulturelle und spirituelle Apokalypse blickt. (Riviera Maya Film Festival 2013)
Preise und Festivals
- Toronto International Film Festival 2013
- Riviera Maya Film Festival 2013
- Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival 2013
- Berlinale Forum Expanded 2014
- Edinburgh International Film Festival 2014
Weitere Texte
Die Regisseure über LA ÚLTIMA PELÍCULA
What is cinema? As cinema’s boundaries are, like the universe, constantly expanding, this question has become both as fundamental and redundant as say, the search for life’s meaning. But the earnest exploration of its contemporary existence extends to why we continue making films, how we make them, up until the very basic observation of the people involved in making them. When confronted by the Apocalypse, the very basis of cinema becomes as existential as life itself: its philosophy, the materiality, is questioned... In the same way that the existence of an idea in film is stretched in spatial and temporal circumstances, filmmakers at the end of time and place are gathered as forces, energies, with answers as vague and clarifying as the question posed: instead of asking if we are approaching the End of Cinema, ask rather, how would the last movie in the world look like? A question probably in the same vein as, what would you plan to do if you knew the world was going to end? What would your last meal be? What does the last movie have in common with the first?
Buch und Regie
Raya Martin, Mark Peranson
Alex Ross Perry, Gabino Rodriguez, Iazua Larios, René Redzepi
Gym Lumbera
Lawrence S. Ang, Mark Peranson
Mark Peranson
Produziert von
Cinema Scope, Canana Films, Cinematografica, Faliro House, Fischer Film, Dox:Lab
Kinostart (DE)
DCP (2K, 5.1)
Blu-ray disc
Englisch und Spanisch (Spanische Szenen mit englischen Untertiteln)
Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz